Welcome to Plumbline

A Christian Wellness Program

Seeking God’s Design for your Health

The Holy Spirit will be the One who motivates each person to move closer to the goal of glorifying God in their bodies. (1 Cor. 6: 19-20).

The PLUMBLINE Christian Wellness and Weight Loss Program was designed by Licensed Professional Counselor, Jennifer Cecil and Fitness, Nutrition and Life Coach, Chris Akard. Chris and Jen, combined have over 7 decades of education and experience in their respective fields of Christian Counseling and Wellness. Both are passionate about seeing the people of God become “whole in spirit, soul, and body”(I Thess. 5:23).

Our bodies, being the very temple of God, are given to us to steward in a way that allows us to have the strength, energy, and stamina to fulfill all that God has asked us to do. This program is an invitation to look at where we are currently, inquire of God about how we steward our bodies, and begin to take small steps to line up with God’s desires for us. We want to help you finish strong!

As you study about the plumb line in Scripture, you will see that it is used by God to set a standard that is straight, in line and sturdy. In the Old Testament, when God held up a plumb line to the Israelites, it was to provide a measurement or a standard with which to align themselves. God asked them to examine their lives according to the plumb line and make adjustments as needed. Our hope and prayer is that you, as Christ followers will discover God’s plumb line for you and likewise, align yourself with it through our Wellness, Weight Loss and Fitness programs.

We are here to help and encourage you in this very safe, flexible, open entry/open exit program that everyone can participate in. We will walk alongside you with support and encourage you to only take those steps that are sustainable for a lifetime. You are safe to go at your own pace! Our desire is that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide you into physical health and healing whether you join our online program with our fitness app, or meet us in person, utilizing our PLUMBLINE Individual Consultations or PLUMBLINE Group Accountability programs. The program is designed to work for those in our home state of Arizona or throughout the country!

Please seek the Lord and ask Him for the motivation to begin this process before your reach out to us.

Walking alongside you,
Jen and Chris

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Jennifer Cecil,


Chris Akard



We are excited to provide you the specific guidance and steps to meet you exactly where you are. Let’s take it one step at a time to improve God’s temple… YOU!



Through our PLUMBLINE Consultations we design your individual plan. Meet via Zoom, or in person (AZ residents). Find your ideal program design & get results!



Accountability groups include weekly weigh-ins, meetings on Zoom, and a smartphone app for direct accountability.



Counseling and Life Coaching will address psychological and emotional factors that prevent achieving our goals. Receive Psychotherapy (AZ residents) and Life Coaching (all states).